

To Catch A Murderer
The old woman dropped her purse, spilling its contents all over the sidewalk.

He rushed ahead to help her, stopping short when he saw the gun under the purse

He froze.

Lifting his eyes, he firmly held that of the old woman.

"Granny, you too?" He asked her, the sides of his mouth curving up in slight amusement.

"Shut up and pick up the gun!" The old woman hissed, deftly releasing the safety of another gun she brought out from within her draping skirts, and pointed it at the still smiling man.

"As you wish, Granny," the young man complied.

"Now you will be the one wanted for the crime I committed, as your finger prints are on the murder weapon." The old woman cackled in enjoyment.

"Not when I'm wearing transparent gloves." The young man rebutted, enjoying the shock and consternation on the face of the old woman.

"Mrs Ashwille, you are under arrest for the murder of Mrs. Ashwille, your daughter-in-law.

"I advise you to keep silent, as whatever you say or do will be used against you in the Court of Law.

"Detective Monran at your service," the young man finished, bowing gallantly.

"And thank you for your earlier testimony, it was recorded by the pin camera on my chest.

"Also, I'm wearing a bullet-proof vest." Detective Monran smiled again.

"Oh God, I need a lawyer...," the old woman sagged defeatedly.

"That, you do." Detective Monran agreed with her, as other Police officers that had been stalking her from the shadows, in case she attacked their colleague, came out, and handcuffed her.

Smiling and flipping the gun in his hand, Detective Monran walked back to his car, and proceeded to drive down to the Station.