

Requiem of the woodlands dweller.
Requiem of the woodlands dweller. (Reccomended for 15+)

‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍I will never forget that day... When i became, this... Whatever became of my family, and friends? The last thing i can remember is that day, she told me that she loved me more than there were stars in the sky. What a fool i was, i never that it would come to this though. What a cruel and twisted fate, my future had in store...

It was the summer, back in 62, Melantha, that was her name. I think i was only about 17 at the time, we lived in a small secluded town, Jim Thorpe, we snuck out one night and went to this forest a few miles out of town. A sea of thick trees, with a few dirt trails running through. we sat under a fallen tree from a storm. We had a large sleeping bag and a medium sized tent, just about a foot of room for us if we layed in the center. I'm not sure, but, i feel like i've been here so long, it feels like there are some missing pieces. Whenever i try to fill that void i get a terrible, feeling. I remember my past, that night, it wasn't storming, nothing, just the crickets chirping in the night. Only then, was i awoken to the girl i loved for nearly 7 months, slashing away at me. I tried to scream, but all that came out was a pitiful choking gargle, it was my blood. I was choking on my own blood... She just had a ever so light grin on her face, i was crying, i couldn't move much. Thinking back, she must've stolen some anesthetics, or bought some on the dark web. It didn't matter though.

I felt as though i was pushed into a lake, late at night, with that freezing water, i was never so cold. The only warmth was from the blood, pooling around my body. To this day, it hurts, it's never gone away, i can't speak either, i can't breathe, can't fucking eat... I counted, what i could, she stabbed me 27 times, but by some twisted way, i am alive. Alive, in a dying body, forever am i cursed to walk this forest, i tried to escape. I went along the whole perimeter. It's like there is a energy, keeping me in. Whatever it is, it's made to see me suffer in my own personal hell.

The pain, left me to feel, rage. Indescribable, as the verocious anger of a raging forest fire welled inside my soul. One day, there were this pair of friends, i felt it. I needed them to feel this, i itched for it. It's the only chance i could feel anything but the pain. I needed to enjoy this. But, there was something, some reluctance. This forest, has done something to my mind.

While they sat their going about their life, i needed them to feel this. When they were asleep, i grabbed a hatchet, it was left by my cabin. I gutted them up like helpless pigs. The girl to the left, i split her skull in two, a satisfying splurt and crunch was heard, and there was brain and blood oozing from that wound at the base of her skull. That's all it took, it was over. The other girl woke terrified crying "No, No No, PLEASE!" i swung, and the blade dug deep into her side, her stomache. She tried to grab it from me, she got a hold of it, but i kicked her in the nose, it took a few times, but i heard a crunching noise, i then got the hatchet again after some struggle, and cut her arms off. She squirmed like a helpless worm. i just stood there, and for the first time in weeks, i felt satisfaction. A dark feeling of happiness, i watched the art i made, the blood was beautiful, splattered all over the tent, and i felt it's warmth on my face, and arms. I left, walking away to bathe in the river, then sleep, walking with the hatchet by my side.

I lay and rest in a abandoned cabin, i made it my own. Windows broken and holes throughout, it was no sight to behold, but it was the closest thing i had to call home. I lay on the torn up matress that lay in the corner. That night i had a nightmare, this time, i was the worm girl, and it was her who killed me, the same way i killed her. I woke up, the moon nearly falling below the trees, it must've been early. I lamented and mourned what i had done, or rather what the Eren those hours ago did, i sat there sitting up, the tears flowed down my face gently and i broke down. Their family... I don't know what is happening to me, there is nothing more than death that i desire, i should've died. Why am i here? Why was it me? What am i missing?

I went back, to that camp, to see if what i done was real, of course it was. I looked through their belongings, fuck... They came to look for me, i guess there would've been rumours circulating throughout the years, especially around a small town like that. I wonder whatever became of that Melantha i met those decades ago? Every day i wonder if it was her, that put this fate upon me to bare.

Within a blood-soaked journal, it turns out the first girl i killed was named Mei, her friend was Piper. Through a few hours of looking through this journal, it seems they had a theory that Melantha was, more than human, and throughout the years she would lure men to her home, this forest. These girls have been coming here for awhile now. They say in the journal they found a file dating to 1843 that has a picture of Melantha... It's certainly her, i need that question answered, why is she doing this? But something tells me if there was a way out of this, i would've found it by now. Afterall, hell is suppossed to be unescapable, isn't it?
© kv-2-2-2s'