

Second day of new school......
Next day started. I got up at 5 am because as per schedule all students should get up at same time. And then all students have p.t . But the 6 standard don't have that so, we all 6 standard slept.And then all students come which were gone to p.t came And wake up us.And after that I take bath ,brush teeth,and put uniform and after that we all go to school. The school have different time for assembly. And It was at 7:00 am and normally school time is 7:30 or 8:00am.There was assembly.The new prayer was good and then there was breakfast and after that the classes start.there were 8 period as normally all school 's have. And then the school closed .And after that we had lunch and there after we have rest time .And then there was remedial it means study for particular subjects.And after that there was p.t to play And then there was tea time . And after that we have study hour means to do homework or study any subject.And then dinner was there. the dinner was good and then I came to house and after that we have night ( 🌃 ) assembly so all students of house assemble . And we had prayer .And then I sleep. (Good Night ) 🌃 🌃.