

Fall in love with eyes.. part 3
Everyone got to know that I was in love with you and even said to many that going to marry you ... As you promised.. As most of the people are asking directly as well as talking indirectly regarding this.. It's hurting me a lot.. You cannot even imagine it has been 6 years but I cry for the same think.. But made myself strong that I never shown I am weak and crying... My eyes has got so much damage that.. It became red that much I cry.. When I think about the time we spend water automatically flows from eyes. As I am visiting to hospital last 6 eyes as they are giving drops then also my eyes haven't got cured .. As even I put drop but I cry at the same time.. Cannot accept till now you have gone from my life... At last doctor said if you cry like this then you need to do operations... Because medicine are not working.. But then also I am working on myself to control my tears it is daam difficult for me... People say she has no felling at all.. But God know and my eye report is a proof that how much I cried for you ... I really feel sad for my eyes sometimes... Better God should have taken me instead of giving this suffer till now I feel it has be so many year... Money is spended by parents ..there happiness is also getting affected and I cannot move on..
I never try to say you this as I don't you to get you through sympathy.