

A gift of dedication.
An empty suitcase full of memories.
Some lives revolve the approximation of same strategies of life, just a recall from literature days, a short story Balthazar's Marvelous Afternoon, where a young carpenter donates his hard work to a powerful following just to avoid annoying beats of life. With two weeks continuous dedication and hardwork he made a beautiful cage on the order of the powerful cult's twelve year old son and his beautiful cage was grabbing the attention of onlookers and passersby and in between, A Dr. tried to purchase that cage giving a good amount but the humble carpenter denied saying that, it's already sold. The carpenter with his beautiful cage visited the powerful cult, with the expression of decorous candor with which the poor approach the houses of the wealthy, but the carpenter was tormented by the cult for taking the order from a twelve year old,seeing the tears of his son and the violent beats of the father, carpenter immediately changed his mind and said this is a gift to your son, I don't want money for this cage, Irony behind this story is that the carpenter realizes that the townspeople are invested in the idea that carpenter has extracted money from the widely disliked the powerful cult, the people have assumed that carpenter has been paid for the cage and carpenter does not correct their misunderstanding, instead he lied to them that he received a good amount from the cult.
An empty suitcase means a dedicated poor remained poor,
Memories to him are positive in the sense he showed nobility,
Memories negative to him are the ones that he was denied his earnings of hardwork.
Carpenter gifted his hard work, his talent, with an empty suitcase full of memories.
An inspiration from a beautiful mind.
Albert Camus beautiful quote works here,
An intellectual is one whose mind watches itself.
Moral ethos of this story is, wanting is a corrupting power and humility is the only lasting commitment.
From the inspiring story by
Gabriel Garcia Márquez.
Mishra Poonam