

I am going to spend my holidays at grandma's house . we will stay there for 2 and a half week . Except my clothes , I had my i phone , smart watch , laptop, Song book , Headphones, Money purse containing $500 , My camera , Beach hat , pool glases , bed slippers , Night gown , chocolates , my favourite novel and , still , more ...Well first of all I am a girl ..... And a 7th grader , you might have understood that from the night gown and novel part . Today was my first day at grandma's house. When I entered the house , country music was playing and to my surprise she was sitting with a boy . that boy was my age . and then again to my surprise, he was my supercrush !
Skye .... I was like : oh my god what is he doing here and look at what I am wearing ! especially my bracelet, it is changing whole of my look ! oh no oh no " when grandma noticed me she said " oh , you finally came, you are so late , where did you come from sweetie , the door was locked ? " I replied , " yeah gramms , but the backdoor was open... " then , she hugged me and then looked at skye and said oh "skye this is Carrie and Carrie this is ...." " we know each other " before grandma could complete her sentence, we both said at the same time . which I was extremely happy about.
© Misha