

Journey of a Software Engineer

© AnnyJ
The most rising and common occupation nowadays is being a developer. People think of developers as someone who can do anything related to computer.
Missy wants to be a developer to bring something new to the world. He went to a university and thought they will make you a developer. First day Missy was so passionate about being a developer. He kepts on studying, making new projects. Every family lr relative who knows him just started to bring laptops, pc to him to fix it whatever the problem is. Missy told them he is a developer. But the excuse from them were always "your degree is related to conputer, you should know everything. fix bugs in this and that app. fix the hardisk, processor of pc/laptop". Missy tried to explain like every other developer that he is becoming a software developer. He can make new softwares but he cannot fix someone else software application they are using build by someone else like office apps. Missy had made a lot of semester projects. Oneday Missy lost his father. Now he needs money for all his things and to feed his family. Missy was heartbroken. Missy thought he could earn money from what he have learned till now from his degree. He could not do a full time job as a developer as he has classes to take. He decided to sork online. He knew about freelancing bid on some projects but did not get single work as he has no reviews. He tried to bid minimum amount possible to gst the work but he failed. The next paltform he went to was fiverr. He made his gigs best he can. he demanded very less amount to get the work but having no reviews again became problem in getting any work. His life is becoming miserable. He joine some facebook groups to get developer jobs. He did made the whole project for the company. Something miserable happened as the client never payed for his work. Everything upto now have went wrong. He started to get depression in his life. After the death of his father everyone's behaviour toward him changed. He could not do anything. He lost his friends as well the day his father dies as not a single one of his whole friends group came to him and encourages him or help him in his grief. Its like the whole world is changed. He started to work with another online company but the pay the client was offering for that big projects was not enough. This time Missy was careful about the payment. He demanded advance payment but the company stated they only pay after work as its their policy. He tried to know about the company to check if its real or fake but everything endup in fake. But at this time atleast he was relaxed as he did not waste his time and effort over some fake company. His studies were going simultaneously throughout these days. He had gone through very tough times. What could he do at this point of time. Developing websites was his best work which he could do normally better then other things. He don't have experience in building real world Apps to be publish. He donot have even enough budget to publish his App even he could make a very basic one.
to be continued...
Next part of story will soon be publish, until then comment will he be successful developer. what do. you think he should do or he should've done.