

A beautiful catastrophe.
This was one of the days I'll say. "this is my day" and at the end they turn out not to be but screw it today was my day.
I took my side bag off the kitchen counter along with my lunch box and headed out. All the way I kept singing and rehearsing my English speech.
" hey there"
I stopped walking and searched around for the voice.
" here on top of the tree" the voice called out again. Even though it was low, I could tell it was very musculine and whoever was calling me was probably drunk, since his voice kept oozing around.
I looked up the tree next to the side walk where I was and surely saw an orange shirt.
'what is he doing up there' I though to myself.
"just come up here" he called out again.
I hesitated. Firstly I didn't know this guy or boy. I debated with my mind until I decided to climb up the massive baobab tree. I was half way up when my feet slipped and I leaned back. I closed my eyes ready to fall but a hand gripped my wrist and pulled me up.
"hew" I said as I sat on one of the branches.
" how are you?"
I looked up to meet ocean eyes. My mind started swimming in those ocean eyes.
Who was he.
He smirked a little bit and held out his hand.
" hi, I'm Archie."
I withdrew my hand from my pocket and shook his hand.
" HI, I'm Maze" I said on the other side trying to compress a zoo that has just erupted from the pit of my belly.
He took his hand back and pointed out my lunch box.
"can I have some?"
"s-s-sure" I finally managed to get my words out.
I handed him my lunch box and watched him eat all of my food away.
" you must be really hungry?" I muttered trying to start a conversation.
" yep, haven't eaten in like 23 hours." he said in between chewing the bread. " the police are looking for me, they surely want to take me to juvenile prison" he laughed as if it was nothing.
" don't worry, I didn't kill someone, I was just selling drugs"
"why?" I asked.
" I don't know just for fun" he effortlessly said.
"so what are your plans?" I said, looking at my watch. It was already time for school to begin and I didn't want to be late for my English speech.
" you know I'm 17 already and have no hopes of going to jail, so I'm planning to run away from this town"
He told me.
That was the best idea. I don't know why but I didn't want him to go to jail.
" Come with me, let's run away" he simply said.
My eyes grew wider with every word he said.
I was angry at him. I wanted to push him down. But all I managed to whisper was.
" yes"
"that was the last day I saw my parents and my friends, I never got to do my english speech neither did I get the chance to finish school" I told the little, 5 year old girl with deep blue ocean eyes in between my lap.
" why don't you visit them?" she asked.
" I will, one day"
Archie walked into the room and picked up the little girl who was between my legs.
" hey bunny" he said to the girl and looked at me. "we have to skip town, the police are looking for me"
I breathed out and rubbed my now 5 month belly.
" what did you do now, Archie. You know I can't be on the run like this, I'm pregnant for heavens sake" I stood up and started packing our clothes.
" what's it mommy?" the little girl asked.
"daddy got in trouble again, we must go somewhere, okay?"
She nodded.
" you know trouble is attracted to me, Maze. But through it all, you still..."
" I still love you" I smiled at his silliness and kissed him.
He was my beautiful catastrophe and together had a two beautiful kids.
Chasing Maze Rodriguez and Hunting Archie Rodriguez.
© Naledi_

#best #book #read #writco #catastrophic #catastrophe #love #wild