

Street Fighters Pt. 2 Richard
Recently I got a bad news. It seems that richard has joined team cosmo. Now what i will do, I don't have a team and no job. What should i do should i settle my life but my heart is saying you have a long life. Only one year i have been a street fighter. No i have to bring richard ,michelle and steve back.

I have to prove them together we are everything , I have to clear all misunderstandings. I have to meet richard.

(Sinary street )

I shouted Richard he did'nt listened. I am here to clear all misunderstadings. He raged and said its all over pol. Our team can't be reassemble again! Those words broke my heart, My best friend was raging on me. But i did'nt give up. I begged him please richard give me another chance. Team Cosmo's captain Eredaze suggested richard to give me another chance.

To Be Continued.........