

The Hello Man Chapter 10: Forest Kills
The Hello Man wanted to battle the god of Hell and the Underworld who is also known as SATAN. The Hello Man did manage to hurt SATAN, but that wasn't enough. The Hello Man was banned from both dark demonic realms and was sent with only half of his powers back to earth in a unknown huge forest somewhere in Australia.

The Hello Man was laying on the ground. He was full of anger. He tried to use his demon powers to burn down the forest, but he couldn't, SATAN has took away his fire powers. The Hello Man only had a few of his strength, speed and hearing powers left. He was now 60% weaker than he was before he fought against SATAN.

Three months later a few people went on camping in the same forest. They brought a few tents and food with them. They went to swim for a while at a nearby small lake in the middle of the forest, but what they didn't notice was that someone or something was watching them from out of a top of a tree. Later they went in the tents when it was getting dark. They all first ate before they went to sleep. A teenage boy named Josh went out of his tent in the night to go take a pis. He walked for a while where he finally found a great spot. All the sudden a very old rusty axe came out of nowhere and hit him on his back. Just before Josh could scream of the pain a fist punched his head into a tree, where it was squashed. That morning when the campers was awake they actually didn't notice that Josh was missing. They thought he was sound asleep in his tent, because it looked like he was just laying in the tent covered with blackens. They all went hiking without him. They all came across a old sign that said Hello on it written with dry blood of an bird. They thought it was just a joke and went on hiking. They all talked to each other about forest animals and stuff. Later they started hiking back to their camp area. They were exhausted when they arrived. They all ate some food and began playing all sort of outside games with each other. That night when they were sleeping, all and only the girls went hiking in the dark telling ghost stories to each other. They were like 300 meters away from the campsite where and when they heard a whispering voice say, "Hello". They all thought it was one of them who wishperd until a sharp stick went flying out of one of the bushes and hit one the girl's throat. The girl fell dead on the ground. They all screamed of terror. Then just behind them stood The Hello Man with the old axe in his hands. He cut all of their heads clean off just before they could run away. There was blood everywhere at that area. That morning when the guys noticed that the girls was missing they all tried to call the cops, but no signal was available. Then they tried to wake Josh up and saw his dead body in the tent. They all got scared and ran to their cars, but the cars was totally in no use anymore, the tires was gone, the windows was all broken, the engines was all broken and the word "Hello" was written with human blood on all the cars. They couldn't go anywhere or call anybody. They started to panic. They later made a fire and started to make ideas. Later on it began to get dark and they really needed wood to keep the fire alive. So two of the five teenage boys, Norman and Jake went together to get wood. Norman brought a machete and Jake a axe with them. When they walked so 120 meters away from the campsite they started to get wood. Later Norman and Jake saw all the missing girls' bodies in the trees. They really started to panic. Then Jake saw The Hello Man in front of them, in the darkness six meters away from them. They started to run back to the campsite. When they were halfway there The Hello Man all the sudden stood right in front of them, who squashed their heads only with his hands a few seconds later. The Hello Man saw the machete and took it. He started to walk slowly to the other campers. Back at the campsite the three teenage boys was getting worried. Then one of them stood up and walked alone to the area where the cars was parked. He tried to see if he could make contact to the police by using the radios in the cars. The Hello Man arrived at the car area and took stick with leaves on it and threw it at a candle what the boy was holding. It turned on fire. The boy's hole shirt also turned on fire. He quickly took it off and with out thinking ones, he threw it at the open car and the car took flame as well. Then the boy whispered to himself just before the car exploded, "shit...". The other cars who was parked just next to that one also exploded. The forest started to burn and unfortunately the fire spread as quick as the wind. The other two teenagers heard the explotion and saw the smoke coming out of the forest. They went to see what was going on and saw The Hello Man walking to their derection out of the fire with a machete. They quickly turned around and started to run to the other derection. After 40 seconds of running The Hello Man appeared in front of them and stabbed one of them in the stomach so hard that the machete went through a tree. The Hello Man left the boy there and went after the other one who was still running away for his life. The boy fell on the ground and stood up. He looked around him, nothing. He turned to keep on running, but The Hello Man was just in front of him and bend his neck clean off only using his hands. The blood splattered out of the body. The Hello Man looked in front of him and saw that the forest was no longer. He walked a while untill he remembered about the Anti Blood Knife. He took the blade and the handle of the knife out off one of his pockets and threw both pieces in the fire. The fire turned from burning orange to a light shining colour and vanished. The Hello Man soon realized that he had his full power back.

To be Continued...

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