

Olympus: War-Chapter 9
Olympus: War

Chapter 9: The Great War

Poseiden lifted his trident and shot the biggest wave of water he ever did at Cronus and yelled at Ares and Morpheus:"Go!!! Get Help." Then Morpheus ran into the palace to get help, but Ares just ran towards the fight and said:" If you think I will run away from a fight, then your crazy" Then Ares charged at Hades. Hades then quickly pulled out his sword and charged at Ares.
Proseidon was fighting Ketos, but Poseiden was olso fighting Cronus, who cheats using his power to control time. It didn't look as if Poseiden is going to survive for much longer, but just as Poseiden fell to his knees, Zeus and Athena charged at Cronus and Hermes ran towards the Orthus to fight it. Morpheus, Hercules, Perseus, Theseus, Bellerophon and the Cyclopes was fighting the Giants. The Hecatorcheires, A few demigods riding Pegasusses was fighting Typhon. Apollo, Artemis, Chiron and the other Centaurs was shooting arrows at the Harpies. Nemesis took out her sword and then ran to the battle and decided to fight the Zombies and the Skeletons
Hecate was in front the palace closing her eyes and cursed all the the Ghosts in the battle and teleported them back to the Underworld.

Athena and Zeus charged Cronus together, but Cronus slowed down thier attacks and then cuts off the head of Athena. Zeus got even more angrier than he aready was and then his body was then filled with electricity. He then got stronger every second. He then charged at Cronus, slowed down his attack, but Zeus was so fast, even when slowed down his lightningbolt hit Cronus on the back and Cronus screamed in pain.
Zeus then went to stab Cronus, but Cronus was aready Heald and punched Zeus in the Stomach. Zeus shot 17 meters in the air.
Then Zeus looked at the around and saw Perseus dead on the ground. He then stood up and ran to His body. He then screamed. The storms at Olympus got stronger and thunder shot out of the eyes of Zeus. Zeus then stood up. Behind him was Cronus laughing. Then Cronus said to Zeus:"It's over Zeus. The age of the Gods has fallen and you can't do anything to stop it." Then he punched Cronus
on the nose with right fist which was full of electricity.
Cronus fell to ground. Then his nose started to bleed. His blood's colour was a dark gold colour. He then Cronus said :"Looks like your power gets stronger when your mad." Then Zeus said angrily:"Good, Now I can kick your butt" He then slapped Cronus with his lightningbolt. He then kicked Cronus with electric kick and then hit his head on Cronus's Head and then leaving a critical pain on Cronus's Head. When Zeus looked behind him, he fell to his knees. He saw that almost all the Centaurs, Cyclopes, Hecatorcheires was dead. Typhon has killed Hermes and Artemis.
Ketos cutted off Poseiden's left arm...

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