

The Florist's God vs Mine
I was sniffing flowers for their fragrance at a Florist's the other day. The florist immediately scorned at me.
"You're not supposed to do that, they're for God" she said.
I was surprised, I said "So?"
"Would you sniff flowers that are to be offered to God? she asked in a hesitant way.
I said "Yes, why not"
She just turned her head sideways and said "you shouldn't".

I thought for a moment whether or not to respond. The preacher in me couldn't resist. So I smiled and said
"Listen, it's actually the other way round. You have to sniff, if they are for God so that you can offer the best to him. You can't just offer cheap flowers to God"; she did not respond.

I bought the required flowers and left, pondering on my response along the way.

"Isn't that true?" I thought "An ordinary man prefers rose or jasmine to present to his beloved but he will offer just anything to the Almighty? Wouldn't it just be an egoic offering? Cain and Abel's story proves this!"

It's so sad. People do this sort of selfish stuff and when something goes wrong, they blame God.

© The Unsung Wayfarer