

Maybe my mistaken love!
He texted me first time on an online platform, 'hui suniye'. A stranger from a public group, started a conversation and we started chatting. He told me he doesn't like to end the convo, so we chatted on loop. Asking about his days, he too knew about my all day long tiredness and happiness. First thing in the morning was his Goodmorning! and the last was his Goodnight! which was followed by the same next day, haha. Been quite some time knowing about each other, he asked me for my number. I was hesitating so kept saying no, but later on agreed. Started being impressed by his habits and traits but never said so. Then we started talking through voice notes followed by phone calls. He had a girlfriend, and I was a friend. I have an ex whom he called nonsense. He started liking me too. but wait- he has a girlfriend. didn't realise our feelings. which we did later on, but continued being friends. My feelings grew stronger, so were his. But he was quite manly, can't let her girlfriend down. and I can't let my self down either. Cant like so much a peson who is already taken. So we both stayed silent on this topic. lol. Later on they broke up becoz of some reason I wasn't aware of. I didn't ask cauz I didn't want him to talk about same things. And we continued being friends. He became busy in his life, and so did I, but managed to take some time for each other. he had even less time for me, so used to be mad at him most of the time. Wait a min- we aren't dating yet. we just know we like each other. He told me and I told him too. One day, in an argument, he told me the reason of his last breakup was me. Me? why? Now am having guilt. His girlfriend saw chats of him complementing me with, 'You the bestest girl I've ever known'. That wasn't something to get mad on according to me. But maybe it was. We still didn't date each other, but didn't leave each other either.

What do you guys think? Was it wrong of me to fall in love with him? Or was it wrong of him texting a girl casually for normal talks? maybe both of us or maybe none of us :)
~ Lil star 🌟

Let me know your thoughts in the comment section. This was my first story ever, so please don't mind this little girl... hehehe... do check my other posts. hope u like them 😄 love ya all <3