

Money or Love?
Once upon a time there was a family in a small village father, son and daughter there mother died in last year. There father earning some money and spending for there children school and son name was Doman and his daughter name was Sona. In one day when there son and daughter went to school his father came and see the guru and guru told your son will not study and not take care you in life but, Your daughter always kind with you and take care in life.We can keep one task that we can show that you need you father or money we can check your son.When Doman came from school he saw his father got heart attack in street He go near and guru can and ask you need your father or money doman suddenly took the money and gone. and his daughter came and took to hospital.And guru told to his father in hospital that your son took the money and ran away but your daughter will take care in life forever and guru told that take care of your daughter and guru gone away from the hospital
MORAL:Love is always kind