

History to Graff (a mothers story)
To begin with I only wanted the best for my sons. Having a daughter and two sons I always looked forward to a life with them all. I never ment for my daughter to be left with my aunt but i couldnt take care of her and travel. My oldest son had to learn at an early age about being on the streets with no where to go but up. My youngest son was born gray and i had to pray alot as well as work with him tons just to get him to move and talk.
In all my short coming i felt i had done so wrong by them when i stopped hearing from them in 2014, I thought they would never come see me again the my health started to get worse. As time moved forawrd I lended myself to the thought i was a bad person but then my youngest son started talking to me after a couple years. then in 2018 i started having trouble with a mass i later found out was cancer, after it grew across my neck. In January of 2019 I was given a traciotimy and things started going more down hill from there.
In the weeks to come I found myself alone in the hospital asking my sons stepfather if I was going to die. then I had my first kemo treatment in late february and started thinking better and hoping I may get to go home. Three days after my treatment I passed away due to complications on February twenty-ninth and my youngest son had to play violin at my deathbed. I was creamated and will hince remain to watch over my family through the rest of their days however long that may be.