

Migration fever
Today's youths are gripped by this fever. And in my country its even more. As soon as students pass their college and ask them you get to hear the same answer.... Abroad. Who wants to stay here when there are opportunities abroad? Every nuclear family is facing this issue as children are heading abroad. The parents are so happy as if they have won a massive lottery. And as years pass by you can feel the distance as they never tend to return. Its just the video calls and the messages that keeps them in contact and as they get married these sessions too become lesser. I have a relative who sheds silent tears as both their children had settled in America. I remember that it was just few years ago they had come to my home with such a good news. You know dollars really matters, its just like a life fulfilling dream. And everytime I met them time and again they made me sick in the sense that they were earning dollars. I wondered is the rupee so bad that its so difficult to fulfil our needs. Is it so much better abroad... much better then leaving all the relationship aside.... much better than leaving parents alone.... much better than the home where everyone and everybody mattered. But now as I visit my relatives I could feel the vacant rooms, feel the loneliness of their children, feel the pain in their heart, feel the urge to be with their children who have become so distant. Days pass... Months pass.... Years pass now the home looks barren. And there is no one by your side to look after you as you lay in the bed uttering for them as you try to bid your last farewell. Thats when your mind and body shivers as you feel the hidden fear.