

Finding Love (Part 3)
Seems to have a wonderful relationship I get into it. I just can't believe that yes I also got the love of my life. But is it the end of my story?
No, it's the beginning of new phrase of life.
I wondered how somebody can be into a long distance relationship. Where you can't see, you can't touch, you can't hug. But things turned my vision changed. We talked daily continously for long hours, we shared everything. And soon we realized that we have something which connects us even we are fighting.

Months & Months passed with this cute happening relationship. Now its our first relationship anniversary. Then I can say Yes I got someone who is special for me.

Who is my love❤. Who is my soulmate😍. He is the man I was searching for.

Is it the end?


- picture abhi baki h mere dost.......