

Aashi and Aashu sitting on a green pasture of land...with their arms folded...legs crossed...their eyes displaying the innocence and serenity that would make anyone believe that children are true reflections of the Almighty.

It was a bright sunny day with the wind swaying away the tiny buds of the pink roses that were about to blossom , gusting through the large banyan tree was a breeze complementing the symphony of the birds chirping and swirling across the blue sky!!They sat their gazing at Aadya, their teacher, their guide and their genie to all they could ever think of.

Aashi- Teacher, what is the first word that you get to associate for boys???

Aashu without waiting for even a second spilled - Power, Strength!!

Aashi- Okay, and what about the girls???

Aashu again in a flap of an eyelash muttered- Fragile, Sensitive!!

Aadya sat their being an audience to their mellifluous voice and their novice exchange of thoughts.

Aashi- Thats not true!! I can lift an entire box of my toys ummmm very much same as you.

Aashu rolled over laughing and trying to gain his breath said- Oh!! Come on , dont you know thats what is believed everywhere.

An instant grim took over Aashi's face. She looked upto Aadya searching for answers she believed to be residing deep in her heart, answers she believed to be facts.

Aadya- Well, my kids. There are various parameters to judge anything. Infact, in totality you never can judge anything because God infused an entirely unique tinge of beauty in each of his creation. Its just the matter of sight who catches what as there is an incomprehensible charm in individuality.

Toughness is just not measured in terms of the bone density or how well built the muscles are. If boys ace girls in lifting materialistic weights, bearing the prejudice of being the family feeder....girls defeat them in enduring pain, emtotional baggages, loads of hundreds and thousands of expectations layed on them before they even realize it. Its just a matter of time and the phase one is in that your robustness is displayed.

Girls and Guys are not two different faces of a coin that only one can have his presence and the other goes absent. Rather they are more like the Sun and the Moon. Each having its own intensity to prolifetate light at a particular time of the day. Each having its own role to play which is impossible to be replaced. They are basic components of this universe not incomplete individually, rather existing to invigorate each other, to compete against each other, to collaborate with each other, to bring out the best in each other!!