

A dream
On a day just like this, I was getting ready to go to bed. Everything was normal, like always. Before sleeping, I watched my favorite serie's next episode. It was kinda good, even if I didn't expected the boat to start sinking. I placed my phone on charger, and waited to fall asleep. Long time passed since I tried to make myself sleep, but about a hour, and I felt asleep. I still remember my dream, even if it felt real. I was sitting in class and was writing in my notebook. The class was quiet and it felt strange. My friend who was sitting next to me touched my shoulder to have some attention. When we made eye contact, we just stared at each other and didn't did anything. After some seconds she started to act weird. She showed some sign language, but I was unable to understand it. Then everybody in class started to do the same. For my luck, I was close to the door. I opened it, and started to run, run out from this place. I felt that I am asleep, but it also felt like I am awake. I felt myself running and getting tired. I heard my own heartbeat. Then, I woke up. Sweating in the bed, taking short breaths. Everything went back to normal. I just hope.