

Growing Up Together
It's funny as a young girl, I imagined a great life, exactly like the life of my parents.

For many years I fantasised about meeting my wonderful future husband and having children, and all around me were my family and friends super happy for me and doing all they could to ensure my happiness.

This was the image before I truly experienced any deep emotional pain and it drove me. This imaginary future had me desperate to grow up and grow up quickly.

A few years on and I hit my teens. In these years, I experienced and learnt what humiliation and embarrassment felt like. It was a time of isolation and somehow the perfect picture in my mind began to crack. Perhaps those friends wouldn't exist in the way I believed. I made peace with it and accepted that perhaps it would only be my family, and that was still pretty perfect enough. I was blessed with so much already.

A few years passed and with them, my mother passed too. There is a true flaw in this fantasy. A broken family, no friends and the husband was also only imaginary at this stage.

The reality was, there was no picture anymore.

I lived utterly shocked. I knew what fearless was. When you have no more reasons. For a few years I floated, did as I was told. An empty shell. Numb. Hopeless. Depressed. Low.

The years were wasted in sorrow.

How can one overcome such loneliness?

The more introverted I became, the more people I began to notice who were suffering as I was, without love and without hope.

This motivated me to find a way out. I knew it wasn't all darkness and decided to search for the light.

It took a few years but I eventually found hope. I began my life independently and through the hard work and faith, I finally found a way to feel happy.

But, this independent living became my go to place. And so, when I experience this darkness, I always look within. To myself for the answers.

Life blessed me with the husband I had imagined many years before, and the children I felt so ready for many years ago.

Life taught me to be strong and how to accept weaknesses, but most importantly, life taught me that we are not alone.

There are others who suffer and in that realisation I decided to continue an inner journey and share it with someone out there who may find hope in my story.

#wearenotalone #together #togetherness #selfawareness #oneforall #goals #growth #yourjourney #happiness #empathy