

Loving One so hard only to be Used.

'' Stronger believer in love I was, non believer I almost became.''
ONCE upon a time, I fell in love with a close to perfect young man, He was tall, slender , had a wonderful smile, and those voices you want to listen to keep listening to.
It seemed like love at first sight. His intelligence and great ideas spiced up everything. The more I loved him the more I ignored his flaws and the fact that I cared most in the relationship. He was so ruly and strict but I didn't even care. Our relationship was very secret no one ever knew we were dating. He wudnt be happy if I ever statused his pic on his birthday, he wud tell me he's not comfortable with pipo knowing then I wud Respect that.
He then left for another country to work for a year we agreed to wait on each other and so I waited patiently. Finally the year was done and he was returning he seemed excited that he was going to see me again, he said I will be the first person he wud see but sadly immediately he stepped in the country he ignored me and wen I over insisted that's wen he informed me that he had another girlfriend before we started dating and that's why. I felt heart broken but I had to end the relationship, it even got worse wen the babe herself texted me how she introduced the guy to the parents. The guy insisted he loved me and wanted me to still hold on to the relationship but I couldn't stay in a total lie. With time I moved on and he wanted me to dump the guy I was with for him yet he wouldn't dump the girlfriend for me. That's when I was sure I was being used. The girlfriend was known by all his friends and family and he wanted me to pretend like I had a chance. No , Truth is I didn't had to move on .

Lesson: Don't stay in a one sided relationship it will break you.
Don't be too naive. And not everyone is meant to stay in your life forever, some just come so you learn a lesson and move forward.
**Remember, love still exists in the world , one heartbreak is not the end of you. And not everyone is like your Ex.
Thanks for reading! Love you all.

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