

"Kevin." "Kevin." Said the doctor. "Kevin!"
"Huh." Kevin responded. "You feeling good." Said the doctor. "Yeah, yeah I'm good." Replied Kevin. "Ok we're almost done." Kevin was special, he had powers, sort off. He was able to stop time in it's tracks. People don't know when he does it. They never even realize it, for people like me and you we don't know it happens unless he says so. Every week Kevin has to get twenty three shots In his back, if he doesn't then he panicks he goes crazy and does things. Bad things. "Alrighty all done Kevin, now we just need to wrap you up and you'll be all set." Said the doctor. It got to where Kevin barley feels pain from the shots anymore. The doctor and a nurse (Kevin loved that nurse, with her blonde hair, and her blue eyes, and she hade the most precious voice) wrapped up Kevins back in a light blue dressing. "Ok Kevin, said the nurse, your all set." Kevin stared into her eyes, she started back. Kevin quickly turned his head, he knew he was making it awkward. "Sorry." He said, when the words feel out of his mouth he knew had made it even more awkward. She leaned down and whispered in his ear. "It's ok sweetie." When she leaned back up she winked at Kevin. Kevin thought they were having a moment. "Ahem." Said Kevins mom as she looked at the nurse with a rude face. The doctor handed Kevin's mother some papers and they walked out the office.
When they got it the car Kevin's mom said, "I don't like the way she was looking at you Kevin." Kevin stared out the window and ignored her, what Kevin's mom didn't know was that Kevin had stopped the clock and had stared into her eyes from at least ten minutes. Kevin started daydreaming about her. Suddenly the car Kevin's mom was driving stopped in the middle of the road. Every car crashed behind them and there cars stopped too. "Mom mom mom get out of the car!" Yelled Kevin. His mom and him quickly ran out the car and got as far away from it as they could. An airplane fell straight from out of the sky and crashed into the car and exploded causing Kevin and his mother to spring into the woods. They looked back, there was nothing there anymore just ruble, blood, and dead body's lying stiff on the ground.
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