


Life is a game of chance . It's a maze in which everything is payable except smiles, happiness and gratitude you just need to find a correct way. Being gifted with a special child is an ecstacy for a few but most find it a trouble. That's true, actually sometimes, a cup half filled is assumed to be half filled with love and the other half with tea while sometimes it is assumed to be just half filled. It's just a matter of opinions . We must have eyes to see the best

Some parents are gifted with a special children but only few accept them. Inspite of all this, these parents can't resist the fact that they are the chosen one. Special children are gifted to those who could cherish them. In my opinion it's indeed a great pleasure that we have . They are not different, they are just kids with some special needs. They are amazing in their own ways. They just need a little more piece of your attention, care and love. But they also fill our lives with double love, double affection, and double care.

Although some people don't undertstand this .... Either they blame their fate or their kids for this. I would like to tell them that
" Judging a child who has special needs does not define who they are ........ It defines who you are" inspite of all this if we see the brighter side we must throw light on the fact that instead of all the blames and lables, these kids have capability to ask the questions that everyone is afraid to ask for fear of seeming simple. They have their own beautiful world. They don't think about opinions of the world towards them and so they live life to fullest without giving a shit to this mighty world. Although the world seems laughing at them they keep trying to do their best with persistency, they make mistakes but learn to stand and run again in the unending race of life.They are a bit googly a bit disorganized and a bit moody at times but trust me they are angles they teach us to live life.Infact i think some of the most wonderful people are the ones who don't fit into the box . I hope in this cruel world these wonderful angels may find their ginney. And lastly i would just like to say "I won't change you for the world, but I would change the world for you "

The End