

Though I walk through the valley.....
I saw him entering the room and I felt a strong sense of dread suddenly wash over me and I realized that this was my body's new way of letting me know when I was in the same vicinity with the president of the betrayers' club. Nothing is ever going to be the same between us. I just have to accept it, no matter how hard a pill it is for me to swallow. As a child, I was always told to first chew my food before swallowing so that I don't choke. Maybe I should have tried the same with this fellow. Or had I bitten off more than I could chew?
It was very hard to get over this betrayal because it was from someone that I once trusted with my life. It was especially hard because he is somebody that I had looked up to and admired. I saw him walk towards me and I realized that I had to think of a way to extract myself from this situation. Before he could take a seat at my desk my supervisor came and said, "dear the manager would like to see you in his office immediately. I'll cover for you." If that isn't divine intervention, I don't know what is!!