

Nature Awakening
The earth stirs, a gentle sigh
As winter's slumber starts to die
The trees, like sentinels of old
Stand guard, their secrets yet untold

The wind whispers truths, a mysterious breeze
That rustles leaves and sways the trees
A soft awakening, a gentle call
To rise, to shine, to stand tall

The sun creeps high, a fiery glow
Painting the sky with vibrant hue
The world stirs, a slow, sweet pace
As nature awakens, takes its place

But danger lurks, a hidden threat
A storm that brews, a tempest's beat
The skies grow dark, the winds howl loud
As nature's fury starts to crowd

The earth trembles, a primal roar
As ancient forces stir once more
The trees sway hard, their branches creak
As nature's awakening starts to speak

The storm subsides, the sun breaks through
A rainbow's promise, a new hue
The earth is reborn, fresh and bright
As nature's awakening takes flight

The trees stand tall, their secrets told
Their whispers echoing, young and old
The wind whispers truths, a mysterious sigh
As nature's awakening reaches the sky.

© Authority D'Writer