Smuggler Man
The road was moist with morning mist from the rain , no sun was visible really , just shining far off in the day time sky. Chuckle Buck Jones was headed into a small town in Pennsylvania, a long trip from Maryland, an indirect meeting ground at Flacko Meats & Steaks. Chuckle Buck Jones knew a guy named Hosdale Stenson, who gave him deals on many meats & steaks. Non of it was illegal activity, just Hos called Chuckle at times the good deals could put an "S" on Hos's chest to all his friends and family. They speak of the old days in farm communities , where two families at least , sometimes three , to save money and store meat for the winter, they would diviide the portions of a whole slaughtered cow. Half for us , half for you type of deal, a great thing for me non- vegan families who choose tofu and spinach to pass intestine gas fumes and stay fit, in good shape. This particular trip was different for Chuckle Buck Jones though , because Hosdale Stenson , had come across an offer Chuckle could not refuse. He heard sirens of a police car in the back of his box truck, Chuckle pulled over , an officer sat still then stepped out of his squad car. The officer smiled a bit at Jones , letting him know the time was friendly , unless it turned ugly under the sunshine , which every officer is prepared for and cleans his gun...