

Rivers Run PT 4
River woke up to people laughing and talking down the hall. Cash wasn't in bed with her she found her dress on the floor she pulls it over her head and walks down the hall. Her brother is standing with a cup of coffee looking outside, Cash hands her a cup and kisses her "Good morning beautiful." "Cash damnit I told you that has got to stop now that you are with my sister." Chance says smiling. "You are so funny." River says going over and hugging her brother. "I believe your boys are in love look." River looks out the window Clutch is playing with Flo and Missy and Spark plug is laying in the sunshine letting Lola wash his face. "They look like they are enjoying having girls to play with."River says "I didn't complain about you being here." Cash says coming up behind her. She laughs. "That sure is a nice truck you're driving there brother." "Dad said to get that piece of shit out of his yard. So can't argue with the old man. I am going to work on the tree.' Chance sits his cup in the sink and heads outside. "Did you sleep good? You looked so beautiful laying in my bed I didn't want to wake you hoping I would make it back before you woke up." "I slept great didn't like waking up and you gone." "When do you go back to work?" "I have 8 more days of vacation why?" "That means I have that many nights with you in my bed." "You think so?" "Nope I know so. Come on I need a shower, and you can help me." Cash picks her up and tosses her over his shoulder "What the he'll?" River says laughing. Cash runs his hand over her ass. "What I personally like the view." Cash carried her in the bathroom and sat her down then pulls her dress over her head "Hell yes." He turns the shower on pulls off his shorts and steps in the water pulling her with him. Leaning down kissing her "I knew you would be beautiful all wet." "You are a mess." Cash gets the shampoo and turns her around and starts washing her hair. River moans "Damn I think you just earned a couple gold stars." "I plan on having a whole page full by the time your vacation is over." He rinsed her hair
she takes the body wash and pours some in her hand and rubs it on his chest and shoulders down his arms going around behind him washing his back and down over his ads and the back of his legs then moving back in front of him working back up his legs she gets to his thighs.
She looks up at him taking his cock in her hand and licks her lips. "You aren't playing fair." "Well girl has to do what she has to do." And she slides his cock in her mouth swirling her tongue around the tip of it as she strokes him with her hand"Fuck that is nice." Cash leans his head back as River works him with her mouth. Cash grabs her hair holding her in place as he pumps his cock in and out of her mouth "Baby I am not going to make it much longer he pulls him up on her feet spinning her around and bending her over pushing into her from behind "That's fucking awesome fuck your pussy is tight I could fuck you 10 times a day for the rest of my life and never get tired of it." River bends over farther wiggling her ass. "Motherfucker you little minx." Cash growls as River clamps her pussy around his cock."Fuck!" Cash shoots his load deep in her. River moans riding the rush of pleasure that hits her. Cash pulls her to him and kisses her "come on or I am going to be in that pussy again." She turns off the water and steps out grabbing a towel and drying off. She gets dressed puts her make up on and dries her hair pulling it up on the sides in a ponytail and leaving the back down. Cash is waiting for her in the kitchen. "Let's go see what these assholes have got done." River opens the door and Spark plug sees her and runs to greet her. "There is my boy." The dog looks at Cash and shows his teeth. "Hey! You knock that off he is not hurting your momma."Clutch comes running when he hears River. "There's my handsome boy." The dogs take over running over to where Chance and the other guys are working. "I don't guess Spark has seen me with anyone but family now that I think about it. He is only about 4 years old I found him in a box behind a dumpster at a gas station he was crying like crazy I picked him up stuck him in my coat and took him home with me. I hate fucking people who do that shit. He could just barely walk." "That's cold ass shit we found some puppies when we were deployed and fed them" Chance hears Cash telling River the story. "We found kids to take them Whip was going to figure out how to bring them home if we didn't."Whip and Gunner are up in the tree above them."They were good puppies they just wanted to be loved."
River looks open at the two of them it looked liked they were working on a deck or porch of some kind. "So what is this? I mean I know it's a tree house but there is more." Cash kisses her "Yes this is my home away from home kind of. I was on the computer one day and seen a page that had treehouses and showed all the cool ways that people built them and the extras they have added so I sat down later that night and drew a rough picture of a tree house well Gunner is the artist so he looked at it and about two hours later he had the whole thing all done and looking really cool. So when we got home I called around to see what lumber place was the most reasonable and got the lumber and here we are. And no you don't get to hear anything about it. Guess you will just have to be here when it's finished." "Okay well that is doable. okay ready for the rest of my tour of the place." "You bet right this way." Cash puts his arm around her and they walk to the barn. "He is a goner you know that Chance my friend right?" Whip says. "Yeah I see it I hate to say it but he is about the best guy for her, he will take good care of her and treat her right. And that's all I can hope for. She can be he'll on wheels and I think he can handle her." "I am sure that is all true, but can't you handle him bringing out a side you haven't seen of her?" Whip ask. "Or better yet are you ready for her to side a side of you she hasn't seen?" Gunner adds. "No I am good with all of it really mom asked me more or less the same thing and River and I are solid she is tough and has seen me do crazy shit. So yeah it's all good."
Cash and River walk to the barn he opens the door and she steps inside and when he flips on the light "Wow! This is totally not what I was expecting to see." Cash laughs "What was you thinking?" "I was thinking dad's barn I guess you know bikes and parts." "Well there is a big shop at Gunners brothers house with all that and your dad built my bike so I don't need to wrench on it and Chance don't his."
The front half of the barn looked like a big living room really couch and chairs there was a beautiful bar with stools on one side a pool table couple video games a table and chairs on other side on back was a dancing pole there were posters of bikes and girls huge tv speakers. then about the middle there was a set of stairs to a landing that went all the way around to the other side and looked like several doors. "Chance Whip and Gunner have rooms each have private bathrooms." "That's cool." Then Cash took her hand and they walked back and under the stairs and there were six horse stalls all were very nice stained wood and metal. Three of them had horses in them. River went up to the first one and rubbed it nose " Look at you so very pretty." "That is whiskey. She is Gunners horse. The next one is Whips and her name is Lotus. And the next one is your brothers horse and her name is Pepples." River petted all three. "Where is your?" Cash walks to the end of the barn and opens the top half of a couple doors. Outside in a.large field was a momma and two babies and then over in a different pen was a huge black horse with one white ear and one back leg was white and his tail. The rest was jet black. "That is Zeus and that is Chaos and her kid or their kids Mayhem and Faith."
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