

Shagun's paper was coming!!! So, she decide this time she will study perfectly and prove that she is not a DUFFER!!!!!!

the day comes!! when she was having her paper...the paper was of 25 marks....and after the paper there was parents teacher meeting(PTM) the girl also went with her parents...her class teacher was pooja ma'am that's why they went first to her!!! as they sit mam asked from where u have cheated!!!! the girl said no mam, i havn't cheated...i have done the paper by my own!!! mam told her parents that she scored 24 out of 25!! and thisnwas also unbelievable for her parents....but the girl continuously saying i havn't cheated...they went home.....

after that meeting, whenever mam take any test written or oral she was able to give the answer....soon mam realises that this girl has changed!!!!!!

now the girl is in 9th class...and she is good at studies!!! not totally like her sisters and brothers but yes she improved herself!!! in class 7 she came 1st in his classs!!!!!

now i wanted u all to meet her friend...as i told u that she was not having any friend in the previous school!!!! but in this school she is having one of the best friend!!!!!! HUMA, her name....whom she can talk, share her problems, with whom she can laugh!!! Huma was always There when shagun need her!! and that's what friendship is!!!!!!!!!

atlast i want to say "just a twist" can change someone's life.....like in the story the word duffer hurts the girl so muchh.....likewise always find a reason that why u are doing this!!!! and try to become better than u not better than others.....u don't know what can hurt u so deeply that change u !!!!!!!!!!!!