

It was a dark night and the moon was out. My best friend, Violet Allison, had forbidden me to go out tonight, but as defiant as I was, I just had to. The streets were eerily silent, and I couldn’t but wonder why.  I shrugged, trying to get rid of the creepy feeling that seemed to climbing up on me.
     I sighed. Just one book, and I’ll be back home, I promised myself. I took in a deep breath and walked into the bookshop.
    A wind chime tinkled at the window, and a bell ringed softly as I got in. The warm air of the book store comforted me, kind of. I walked in and gazed at the comic shelves for a while. “May I help you, miss?” a voice said behind me.
    I yelped and turned behind, to face a guy of around my age. He had a nice face, had grey eyes and dark hair over which he wore a cap. He was dressed overall in black. He cleared his throat, and I realised that I had been gaping at him. I turned red.
    “Um, I’m ok, I’m just searching for a good series to start on,” I said, turning to the shelf to hide my blush. “I’m Laura, by the way.”
    “Oh, Laura,” he gave a soft laugh. “I’ve heard a lot about you. You spend most of your time over here, right? We have English together.”
    I looked at him and frowned. “I don’t recognize you, sorry. Who are you?”
   “No?” he rolled his eyes. “My grandma runs this bookshop.”
   “Oh, you’re her grandson,” I said, sudden realisation dawning upon me. “Oh, right. David Simons, right? Well, why isn’t she here today?”
   “She was a bit unwell, so I took over for the evening,” he said. He turned to the bookshelf and started counting the rows. He picked up a book from the top shelf and dusted it. He looked at me. “Do you mind if I make some suggestions?”
    I shrugged. “No, not at all.”
   “Well, then.” He handed me the book. “I think you’ll like this comic. It’s one of my personal favourites.”
    I looked at the book, it seemed really old. The cover was black, with the title A Fanged Fantasy written on top with red letters. I looked up at David, who was looking at me expectantly. “Is this vampire book?” I asked.
    He nodded.
    “Well, I’ll try it, sure,” I said, trying to hide the disappointment in my voice. The two genres I hated were horror and romance, and this book screamed vampire romance, together. It looked pretty thick, I was most probably just going to waste my money. I sighed. “How much is it for?”
    “How much do you have on you right now?” he smirked. “It costs a ton, ha.”
    “Yeah,” I said (rather hastily, I might add). “I’ll just put it back, then—“
    He made a tut-tut sound with his tongue. “No, honey. You can take that for free, I take payments differently.”
    I narrowed my eyes. “What do you mean?”
    He tilted his head and crossed his arms across his broad chest. A smile played on his lips, I had a feeling as though those grey eyes were searching me. I stepped back.
    “Oh, no, no, honey,” he said, advancing towards me. He really looked creepy and drunk. “Had you been drinking?” I asked timidly, stepping backwards.
    “I don’t drink, no, don’t go away,” he said, coming towards me. I hit the wall. I was getting seriously freaked out now. “Stay away from me!” I said, throwing the book at him. It hit his forehead quite hard. He groaned and glared at me, his hand to his forehead, and I knew at once that I had stepped out of the line.
    “You thought you would really get away with this?” he said, walking up to me, his face barely an inch from mine. I could feel that I was shaking uncontrollably. His eyes were crimson now, and he looked quite menancing. I gulped and closed my eyes. He tilted my head to one side and searing pain went through me as he bit me.
#vampire #hungry #lonelynight # thrill
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