

Iron leady
Hello everyone
Jay shree krishna 🙏
Today I'm free 😂 Because i want to free for😂just think more and talking time for writing this story about a leady who is most most most inspirational for all those who are some time disappointed.
Person are really very lucky who have two arms, two eyes, two hands.,ninty percent people have 😂 obviously all are lucky but many time we disappointed for many reasons like,
God give me nothing;
Why I'm poor;,
Why I'm not getting this...or ..those things.or ,peoples😄☹️☹️
here our thinking is very cheap 🤷... nothing else🙅🙆^_^😅^_^
Let's just read and Liston the words of iron leady and try to get improve own thinking,(๑╹◡╹๑)ノ♬

"They see my disability,i see my ability".,
"They call me disable, i call me differently able.,
There are some incidents..that happen in your life;those incidents. break you...deformed you....but demoled You in to best version of you...and the same things happen to me...
I'm 18 year old when i got married..my father want it me to get married,and all are that what makes you make happy?...i was say ..yes...and offcourse that was not a happy marriage...just about after two years of getting marriage... I'm at car accident...some how my husband fell a slip and he managed to jump out and save himself... I'm happy for him...but i stay inside the car..and i sustain lot of injuries listdisable long, don't get scared..the wrist was fractured... shoulder bone and collar bone was fractured...and becouse of wripecatch injury,lungs and livers badly injured...my back born completely crush..and i got paralyzed for the rest of my life...i finally ended up in hospital where i stayed for a two and half months. one day doctor come to me and say well heard you be artist but you ended being a house wife. i have a bad news for you. you won't painted again because your wrist and arms are deform. u won't be able to paint again
Next day, doctor came to me and said your spine injury is so bad, You want be able to walk again, because of spine injury and fixation that your have in your back, you won't be able to give birth to the child again,
that day i was too scared,
i ask my mother, why????
why me??? ,and that day i started to question on my existence, why a my even a live, and that is where i realised the words have the power to fuel the soul,my mother set to me.l,"GOD HAS THE BETTER PLAN FOR YOU,I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS THIS, BUT IT SURELY HAS", that's word's are so magical, that kept me going,
One day i ask me brother, i know i had deform hand but I'm tired of looking at this white walls in the hospital, i want to more colours to my life, i want to do something, bring me some colours, bring me some small canvas, i want to paint, so the very first painting i made was on my death bad, where i painted for the very first time. it was just not an art or my passion, it was my theropy, and then i was discharged and want back in home, and i want back home and i realised I have lot of questions on my arms and back bones ,i unable to set, there was lot of infarction in my body, lot of enlarges so doctors want it not let down street on bad for not six months, not one year, but for two years in one room, looking out side the window, listing to the birds chirping, and thinking, ther will be a time and will be going out with the family and enjoying the nature, and that was the time i realised, how lucky people are;
That is the time I'm make sure to realise people how lucky they are, and that day i decided. I'm going to fight my fears.
We all have fears.
👉🏻Fear of unknown.
👉🏻Fear of loosing people.
👉🏻Fear of loosing health.
👉🏻Fear of loosing money.
👉🏻Fear for career,,
We want to get more money, want to be famous. we are scared all the time.
So, i wrote down one by one all those fear and i decided that i overcome this fears one at a time. you know what was my biggest fear???
I was trying to clean on to this person who didn't want me anymore, but i said nooawww, i have to make it work but that day i decided that this nothing but my fear,
I liberated my self by setting him free, and i make my self emotionally so strong, that the day i got new that he getting marriage i want him a text; I'm so happy for you and wish you all the best, and knows that I'm pray for him today.
Number two i wont be able to be mother again, i realised there are so many children's in the world , all they want is acceptance, so there is no point of crying, just go and adopt one, and that's what I did, people think that they are not accepted by other people; becouse we, in the world of perfect people are the imperfects, so i decided to starting NGO for disabilities awareness which i know will not help anyone, i started to appear more in public, i started to paint, i decided to gone join the National TV of Pakistan as an encore person, and I'm doing a lot of shows for last three years, i become the National ambassador for woman in Pakistan and now I'm speak for woman, children, it's talk about inclusion, diversity, gender equality which is a must, every time i going to public i over smile, always big to the smile on my face and people ask me, Don't you get tired of smile an all the time??? What the secret?
I always say one thing, Stop to worrying about the things that have lost or people that have lost, things and people who are meant to be with me are to me,and some times, "Somebody's absence make you batter person,chears their absence, always blessings from sky,live your life fully;
accept yourself way you are;
Be Kind to yourself
Be Kind to yourself
Be Kind to yourself
This is one of my favourite inspirational story, may it'll your too,my dear readers,who is know the name of this Iron leady????

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