

Who is Really Gullible?

The two girls jumped over the hopscotch they had drawn on the curb with white chalk. It was their favourite game and they would be at it for hours. Even during the middle of summer, the heat would not stop them.

They wore matching pink overalls with white t-shirts. The girls always wore matching outfits. With their swinging pigtails, they laughed and hopped in their game of hopscotch went on.
To any onlooker, the smiling girls appeared blissful and safe. The girls hopped along under the watchful eyes of a tall male stranger sitting on a bench across the street. He has been observant of the twins for a week now. It was mere chance that he found them before he left the city.

What the stranger learned, the girls were always alone. No guardianship or supervision of any kind. They played their game of hopscotch with total happiness and undeniable innocence. These beautiful girls playing so innocently. So precious are their smiles. The light in their eyes, so evident the sparkle. They made the sun shine.
The stranger rubs his aching hands slowly. A nervous habit that results from pure excitement. A slight smile creeps on his face as he continues to stare from the other side of the street. 'Twins,' he thinks, 'I can have both. Two instead of one. Twice the fun.'

He had to turn away from the sparkles of their eyes. He was not shameful of his thoughts. His previous acts of conducting terror on children gave his life meaning. The thought of their mangled bodies in his hands caused too much excitement. He would have to gather himself if he planned on killing them today.
He decided to follow them into the apartment they lived in when their game of hopscotch was over. He did not mind being patient.

A half-hour passed, the sun was setting. The girls were tired and decided to return inside the apartment complex. The man had moved across the street with torn open ketchup packets. He wiped the ketchup on his shirt and hands. He then proceeded with his plan.
"Help!I need help!," he yelled breathlessly. Catching the twins attention, he ran towards them.
"I need some help! Will you help me save my dog? He's bleeding out over here. Will you help me save him?" His voice was hitched and his eyes were so intent on getting them alone. He wanted them to be in his possession. Such beautiful girls needed attention.
Much to his amazement, the twins both nodded their heads and followed him into a darkened alley.

He pointed to a spot behind the dumpster.
"He's right there. Can you help him?"
The girls slowly walked to the other side of the dumpster and saw nothing there.

A sound of a knife flicking open cut the silence. The girls turned around. The man's eyes were vivid with evil thoughts. His chance has finally come, seeing their final look of fear in their eyes.

Except there was terror in their eyes. They had no fear. Instead their eyes glowed like a fire's embers. They wore mischievous grins with sharp teeth. Long slithering tongues licked their lips. Their bodies changed, transformed into something overworldly. Their jaws opened wide, revealing many rows of teeth.

The man dropped the knife. They absorbed the fear in the man's eyes. His terror will taste sweet.

They smiled before they pounced.

© Naomi Wesley