

Cruel heart ❤️
part -1
alis a 21 year lady . lives in her parents house with her family . as other girls she also fun loving .but she has two weakness her sentiness and to beleive that everyone is innocent around her .from childhood she is selectively extrovert .loves only her friends and family but she helps all ,as possible as others ..she shares smile to others and be happy with that smile.she never knows this can be mistake for her life.
she attracted to many but never approached to any.cause she had fear that if she fell in love then someone gonna break her into pieces. this unknown fear anonymously kept haunting her from her teenage. She is fully unaware about reason why she felt weird to love or being loved.
once a cool snowy winter there was a camp to a beautiful place arranged by her college.she went with her troop. it's the month of November to a winter lead city.Her troop reached at night in camp's place took rest .then early morning there were always roll calls with different towns troops. there after her calls she turned her head to see other sides . a ray of gold from sun came and hitting to a black capped guy who is with jersey and eagerly waiting for his roll number..she saw his dark black eyes with morning sun ray kind complexion .."aliss...aliss.. let's go here our bus leading us to camp "said by her friend suddenly every view disappeared .all are gone with their troop ......(be continue)
© lisa