

Learnt Something
Want to Thank every single person here my family and friends and all the new people I got to know in these two weeks also would like to apologise for talking too much or being this extra talktive person but those who know me for years know that I have this habit of caring too much and talking to much that both are bad because this world is full of people who will hate it for no reason or think it's fake well I learned alot in these 2 weeks of taking a time of work . Indeed it was pretty much needed I lived in this bubble of mines that needed to burst so thank very much for this experience that led me back to start working again because in that world of humanity I matter my voice my laugh my presence matters my work and my being there matter for so much hopeless and such souls that help these war torn people. This is for those who really gave me an impression of there thoughts not all but still many so anyways just to clear this out .I'm not someone who will fake it to impress you this is who I am and if you conisder me as a clown or someone who is annoying it's not my concern I was like this and I shall always stay like this so your reactions your actions don't matter because I just realised I come from a world where being beautiful from the heart and soul matters . I pray from Allah I remain and that kind of world till death because it's beautiful life and hereafter .

ThankYou .. Teşkerdurm .. Grazie.. Mercì... Shukran .. Gracìaş.. Shukriya..

© Hazzima_Steĺinaa