

I'm still heartbroken part 6
Here's chapter 6 Enjoy!

Who are you?show yourself! I said show yourself. My voice was now trembling I was scared who it could be even more scared of they were armed. The closet door slowly creaked open and that's when I saw who it was.
ABBY!? I ran to her and hugged her she hugged back and that's when I noticed it she had blood all over her clothes and in her hair. Where did all this blood come from. Okay Shelby I don't have much time to tell you but Luka and Ethan are in a gang. I saw them selling drugs and some guy didn't pay him so he shot him and blood got all over me.
I was running and they tried to catch me but I lost them. Oh my gosh. Abby we have to go to the police right now. We can't do anything without evidence. You're right maybe if I go to he dance tonight and sneak into the boys bathroom I could record them and show the police.
Good idea. And I'll tell you're mom. ARE YOU CRAZY!? If we tell my mom she won't let us get the evidence we need. Okay then what do you want me to do? Just stay out of sight for now everyone thinks your missing.
Oh okay I'll just tell my mom I'll go to the dance and she doesn't let me go I'll sneak through the back.
Okay if you're not back by twelve I'm calling the police. Okay and Abby you're free to take a shower and use my clothes if you want. Okay thanks Shelby. Oh and one more thing Abby. Yeah what is it. I'm sorry...for everything we wouldn't be in this if I wasn't so desperate for a date. It's okay really now go before you're late.Okay then mom.
I walk out the door in my dress and go down the stairs my mom ws asleep on the couch so I left a note. And just like that I was off to the dance...with a killer.
You're late Shelby. Sorry Luka I just realized you're right and I shouldnt be scared of you. That's what I like to hear. We walk in and it's packed with people dancing laughing and taking pictures. I need to go to the bathroom be right back. Once he out of the gym I follow him and turn on my phone to record him.
And this is what I hear. Ethan we have to get Abby she knows to much. I'm aware of that Ethan but where would she be? Do be the leader of the gang you're really stupid. She's has to be at Shelby's house.
You're right I'll ask Shelby if I can meet her mom or something. Okay let's get back I don't want to keep her waiting.
Once I heard that I dashed,running faster than I ever had before. And went to the snack table. When he got there I told him had to go cause my mom just called. Oh okay but Shelby. Bye Luka. I walked out of there and fast I got so lost in thought that I didn't hear someone footsteps and a hand go over my mouth. You scream and you're dead.

Hope you enjoyed! See you next week :)