

Ep 4 Their first kiss
Notice **
" The language might not be suitable for some readers".

So Michelle locked the door and grabbed her from the back. Lisa was screaming but no one was listening to her. The room was soundproofed. Michele kissed her. She knew and thought that this was not right. Michele said " I love you, Lisa. The first day when you came to my room. I fell in love with you. You are just mine. Do you understand the only woman of mine "? Lisa said " I don't need to understand. I don't call it true love rather than force love. It's kind of an abusive rape. Do you do this kind of behaviour to other female employees? You are just a fucking shit. You can use a prostitute from a bar rather than me". Michele kissed her forcefully and ripped her dress into pieces. Michele kissed her meretly but Lisa was just trying to escape from that place. Michele gave a naphthalene smell with a handkerchief against her nose and she got fainted. Lisa didn't know what was happening to her but her conscious mind can at least heard of traffic sound. What happened next? I am going to tell you very soon.
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