

Love Infinite (32)
Episode 32 :- Revenge

Previously Shanaya was abducted by Raghu and Indra who want to seek revenge on her and Abhimanyu. Her eyes were burning as Raghu used Pepper spray. On the other hand, Viaan has no idea now where she is while Abhimanyu us still at that factory trying to figure out where she could be.

Abhimanyu was still there in the factory reminiscing his moments spent with her. The moment when he first met her, how funny their meet was when he met her, the way he saved her, her identity being revealed, finding about each other's past connection, breaking up, patching up and their passionate kiss. He remembered it all, and picked up a hammer. The wall was actually a thin aluminum made wall which was standing on several screws. He hit very hard on the wall. Indra, Raghu and Shanaya heard the noise. Shanaya's heart also raced. She understood it was Abhimanyu but she didn't want him to come here. She was already bearing their evil behavior she was able to endure that pain but she was sure she won't be able to endure the pain which she will feel seeing Abhimanyu hurt in any way. Indra and Raghu had no idea who it would be. Abhimanyu kept hitting on the wall. Eventually the wall came apart. It took long but it fell. While Abhimanyu was trying to break the door, Indra came close to her and laughed in devilish manner.
Indra :- Whoever the person, he is surely your savior. Let's trouble him too by giving you pain.
He asked Raghu to remove her handcuffs and untied her legs. When she felt she had been freed, she waited for a few seconds as to confuse them coz they were surely ready for some defence from her therefore she waited for a while so that they let down their defence thinking she will not do anything. She was already not able to open her eyes so she had to open her eyes for less time, take a view and act accordingly later. Raghu had a knife in his hand and Indra had a hammer. But Shanaya had no idea about it. She waited for a few seconds and saw them both one in front and the other at back. She pushed the chair behind hitting Raghu on his knees, and tried to run away but Indra hit her with the hammer, she fell down on the floor and at the same time Abhimanyu broke into the door. He barged in shocking Indra and Raghu. As he entered in, he was shocked to find Shanaya lying on the floor. Tears rolled out of his eyes seeing Shanaya bleeding. He came near her slowly. She tried to stand up though it was very painful for her because she didn't want Abhimanyu to cry. She stood up and slowly walked towards him. Indra ran to catch hold of her but Abhimanyu came forward and held his hand. He looked at Shanaya for once and then looked at Indra breaking his arm. He pushed him hard and held Shanaya in his arms. He hugged her tight thanking God.
Abhi :- Are you okay?
Shanaya :- Yeah! Hope you were fine too.....
Abhi :- I was not but I am now. Let's go.
Raghu :- Not so soon..... Don't you think we should settle our scores?
Shanaya :- Let's leave.....
Abhi :- Did he do this to you?
Shanaya remained quiet.
Abhi :- Answer me....did he? Why are you not looking at me?
Raghu :- She can't open her eyes because of the pepper spray in her eyes.
He got angry and made Shanaya stand aside. She held his hand, signing him to not to do anything. But he took his hand out and said I can't. Usually Shanaya doesn't avoid people like Raghu but she did today because she was scared for Abhimanyu. Abhimanyu and Raghu got into a fight. Raghu punched him first. Then Abhimanyu picked Indra's hammer and hit him on his head. Indra went towards Shanaya Abhimanyu saw this and was coming forward to stop him but Shanaya asked him to stop. She gave a very hard punch on his face that he became a bit dizzy.
Indra :- I hope you are not overestimating yourself because of this punch.
Shanaya :- Isn't the first punch is all that matters?
He kicked her hard and strangled her neck, she tried to get rid of his force. She then used her elbows and hit on his both hands to get released from strangling. She punched him again and again and hit his head on the wall. He fell down and shanaya noticed that this can't be so simple. She thought that how come Abhimanyu and I are easily able to beat them up. This feels like a trap. She saw Abhimanyu beating very badly to Raghu. She ran to him and asked him to let's leave as soon as possible as this doesn't feel right to me. He wasn't letting go of Raghu but then he left me after seeing him semiconscious. They both ran out of the factory where his car was there. She asked for the keys but he couldn't find it, he went in again and meanwhile she washed her eyes near a tap. While she waited there, Viaan and Shaurya were helpless as they couldn't find a means to reach the factory, they waited for their cars to come and were anxiously worrying for Shanaya and Abhimanyu. They had sensed that there's something big going to happen and regretted that they got caught in their trap. Some goons who were actually Raghu and Indra's men surrounded Shanaya outside and Abhimanyu in the factory. She fought with them but was injured badly on head multiple times leading to a serious bleeding. Abhimanyu in there was almost unconscious. They attacked him from back using a knife stabbed in his abdomen. He was bleeding badly too. He fought for a long time but couldn't anymore. On the other hand, Shanaya was losing it now she was fighting when Viaan came with his force. Shaurya also arrives there. They were shocked to see Shanaya and Abhimanyu in that state. Raghu was strangling shanaya where Abhimanyu was trying to stop Indra who was walking towards Shanaya to kill her first and leaving Abhimanyu to his men. He wanted to seek revenge on Shanaya but was worried that Raghu would kill her. Shanaya got rid of Raghu by stabbing him. He fell behind but didn't die as she stabbed him in a safe place. Viaan rushed to Abhimanyu. Shaurya rushed to Shanaya, Viaan asked his juniors to arrest everyone. Raghu and Indra were getting arrested. Shaurya was taking shanaya to their car to take her to hospital and Viaan was staking Abhimanyu along. The goons were all arrested and were taken in police van.

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