

My Dream...
my name is Alice.
Last night I saw a dream that teaches me a big lesson not only me but also to my friends who thinks helping needie is waste of time and money.

I saw in my dream that my parents died in an accident and I was standing near to their graves. after the death of my parents my uncle and aunt decided to take up my responsiblitiy but they were very busy in their work so they are unable pick up me so they told me to came to their house by myself. on my way I thought to choose a shortest route then I take crush the shortest route. That route was from a forest. I started walking to that forest on some distance I saw a man who was a beggar he was begging me for food I was a very kind hearted girl so I gave him the bread piece of bread which I have. I walk again found a shivering with cold I was really a kind-hearted so I gave him my coat and I walk forward when I was on my way I again found a girl who was hiding behind a big tree when I get closer to that girl I saw that she was an orphan I get really emotional and I give her my dress and sit on a beanch. I started crying on the bench I was just Praying to god why you take my parents. a bright light comes from a side and I saw my parents. My mother gave me new dress like any princess. with his love my father feed me many delicious dishes. I was very happy then suddenly my mother said now they have to go. I asked them to stop but they started disappearing. And they just disappeared again I started crying. then a voice comes to me " what happened Alice what happened?". then I opened my eyes and I saw that I was just dreaming but it was a scary dream so I hugged my mother she again asked me why are you crying in your dream I don't tell her anything I just said it was a bad day mother.

sometimes our dream teach us some very big lesson.

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