

A Dream
“Dreams come true for some, while others remain elusive. Not the dreams we experience while sleeping, but the aspirations that drive a young boy to become something more.”

One day,Fazal was sitting on chair, surrounded by books on table, contemplating his dream. A voice, seemingly from one of his English books, inquired gently about his thoughts.
"Just pondering my past life," Fazal replied.
Curious, the book pressed further, "Anything specific you'd like to share with me?"
"Dear, you're my closest confidants; I don't have friends to share my secrets and feelings. Since childhood, you've been my companions, my life. That's why you're here with me on this table,” Fazal confessed.
"I know, and thanks for the compliment," the book acknowledged. "Now, tell me, what's on your mind?"
As Fazal began to share his thoughts, a friend interrupted with news about a new book collection on phone call, shifting the conversation.
"Are you out of your mind?" the book asked aggressively. "I'm asking a question, and you're not replying."
“Apologizing for my this behaviour”, Fazal explained the interruption. The book insisted on hearing his thoughts carefully.
Fazal unfolded his dream—not the kind that occurs in sleep but a life goal. He aspired to learn English, apply to NASA, and explore "Time Travel." He envisioned meeting his younger self, exploring the 2000 era, and revisiting the days when he was studying in school and worked hard. Seeking guidance, he turned to the book for advice.

"To learn English, read books, books like me, watch videos, use AI like ChatGPT, and practice with friends. But reconsider NASA; focus on recalling your memories here," advised the book.
"Some dreams are meant to be fulfilled; others are mere illusions, providing hope. If you believe in recalling your past, focus on the present, write about your past, and build your future," it continued.
“But I wish, so what should I do?”, Fazal asked a question (melancholy).
“ Your dedication and hard work are truly commendable, yet revisiting your past could bring forth numerous challenges, potentially impacting your present adversely. Going back in time or forward is inherently unnatural and against the laws of nature. Embrace the present and relish the life you have now instead”, Book said.
“You are also right but, I am curious about it”, Fazal replied.
As a friend, the book suggested letting go of the fantasy of time travel, concentrating on the present, writing books, and excelling in his field.
Fazal agreed, redirecting his focus to the present. He penned a book about his life titled "Childhood Freedom: Crafting My Childhood Memories," leaving the dream of time travel behind.

And so, Fazal embarked on a journey to build his present, leaving the realms of fiction behind for a reality filled with potential.
#shortstory #story #Englishliterature #fantasy
© admalik78614