

The Maids (part 12)

Part 12


Intro: Prince Gath arranged some soldiers to murder prince Fredrick. The main palace of Sanfrost is where the king and queen live with many attendants. Prince Gath who is an heir to the throne lives in the main palace while Prince Fredrick who is a son of a concubine lives in the outer palace.

PRINCE GATH: (Addressing his soldiers) Soldiers of the realm, I beseech you to gather your strength, for we shall arrest Prince Fredrick before sun down.

ELIOT: My prince we should kill him at sight, he is not a man worthy of stepping foot into this palace, dead or alive.

FEW SOLDIERS: we must kill him at sight.

PRINCE GATH: very well then, kill Prince Fredrick at sight. And I want his head hanged in the four squares.

(Four squares is the place where criminals are killed by the law of Sanfrost).

(The soldiers matched towards the outer palace).


Intro: Prince Fredrick maid (Sasa) informs him about the soldiers matching to the outer palace to kill him.

SASA: (she breaths heavily) my prince, you need to flee, the soldiers of Sanfrost are matching here as we speak.

PRINCE FREDRICK: Get me my armor.

SASA: No! (Breaths heavily) my prince, they are about ten thousands soldiers; this is more than the people you can face. (she hold his tunic) lets wait for a favorable day

PRINCE FREDRICK: I can't run away. I have my honor to protect and I won't be able to face my mother's grave if I flee form Sanfrost. I shall fight with honor, and die if I must with honor. I am not a coward Sasa.

SASA: There is no time to waste my prince, we need to go now.

(The prince ignored her. he prepare for battle as he was wearing his armor, he called one of his guards to inform his soldiers to get ready for prince Gath and his ten thousand armies).
(Sasa waits until the guard exit the room, she hit Prince Fredrick with a piece of wood to knock him out, she put him into a sack and throw him into the dirts carriage which leads to the river of Tama. Tama is a large river that divides Sanfrost from Cupper. Sasa hurriedly pack some stuff and follow suit).

(Prince Gaths soldiers batched into the outer palace).

PRINCE GATH: find him.

ALL SOLDIERS: yes Prince Gath.

JAMES: Prince Gath I'm afraid we arrived late. Prince Fredrick has already fled from Sanfrost.

PRINCE GATH: Then extend your search, you must find him.

JAMES: yes my prince.