

I rember what I discriminated people on, I hope to never do it again, you see, In our school, we treat autistic people...mmm...diferintly. they also seem to be put in a different class than us. as far as I know everyone males fun of them. we often underestimate them. we make them do silly stuff so we can just sit there and laugh at them. I try to avoid autistic too. rumor has it that they can turn you just like them. every time I look at these autistic people and say to myself. "how are they gonna live in life? do they have what it takes?" during the pep rally we were all he'd and everyone was excited. The teacher was awarding us with a trophy for winning. I was glad that we won and many people were wanting to hold the trohpy...But, the teacher gave it to one of the Special Ed children. everyone turned and glared at them. I honestly think that they don't care if they're being made fun of. they don't see, today anyone to it. I knew what people were doing was wrong every time when a special ed child comes in our class...we stare at them. I aas sitting at the table all alone with the Special Ed. I was embarssed to be sitting by them, if people see with them they'll make fun of me too, right? I look to see one out writing down on paper. I couldn't read what his writing. I look up at him.
"watcha writing?" He looked up at me.
"A song." Not gonna lie I was shocked. I've doubted and looked down upon autistic people I didn't even think they were capable of writing one single song. I mean? can he even sing? I don't know. Maybe he was gonna make so one else sing it. After that I stopped looking down on Special Ed and autistic people. Never should have done it in the first place. I was underestimating them this whole time. I felt bad and guilty for what I was doing, judging solely because of their disability. I mean, it's not their fault. I just hope they don't let the bullying get to them. I feel as if there was not much I can do, but there was. maybe I should try and make friends with one. who knows. I should have never juged them in the first place. or follow that stupid silly rumor about how they can turn you into an autistic person. No one even engages with Special Ed children at our school. not even a little, we all try our best to avoid these people. eve. After my encounter a stayed away from autistic people. But they are smart! I was wrong, this whole time and I am sorry. Discrimination is bad, and even though people know that many of us still do it till this day. do not judge because the way people look, race or religion or disability. which is what I DID, Judgi for disability. which I'll never do again. And I do not want to hear race discrimination is worse than disability discrimation, or gender is worse than religion Discrimination NO! it doesn't , matter, you should never discriminate because it's bad either other way! Which is why I am saying, Please, do NOT Discriminate.

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