

Am I married to an FBI.
cause i just got married without a trace of remembering how it happened.
welcome 🤗 back to my story i love you guys all don't forget to follow like and comment the more you do that the more stories I post, let's get back to the story .

babe go arrange your room our parents are coming over they always inspect everywhere. Have you cleaned your own room.
Yes now go do what I asked you to do
Thank God we sleep in different rooms, stupid Man from now I won't cook for him again.
I'm done. Good they're knocking let me go open it you prepare the food and drop it on the table. WHAT! I drop the food while you just open the door, yes duh 🙄 I do all the work at home, no you don't you just laze around.
The last time I checked you don't talk for me. I don't care go prepare the food now!
How dare you talk to your wife this way, Just go prepare the damn food and stop quarrelling with me.
SHUT UP! Are you telling me shut up. Yes I am what are you going to do huhhh. I want a divorce from you now! I'll get it for you, How about we get the divorce right here right now!
Fine but I hate you.
Don't let me lay my hands on you or else you'll regret it, try it.*starts beating each other*. *knocking stops*.
Great they've left .
Your the world most hated husband, I wish I never met you.*carries phone and starts making a random call*.*few minutes later the package arrives*.
What did you order! I ordered my own washing machine, dishwasher,Gas cooker, car and my own cooking utensils. Such a waste of time.
*packs suitcase* I'm moving out okay at least the world most hated husband is gone and don't come back crying 😭 for money 💰.
Thank God I am free of that ungrateful woman.

thx for listening please 🥺 stay tuned for other stories and poems
It was nice telling stories see you again in another story.

© SUMMER 165👉👈