

Episode Eight Usha
Five of them Kradel, Athadel the fastest arrow shooter among the group, Gunnar muscular barbarian carrying two big axes the strongest among the group, Lady Rhinoa the only girl in the group fair lady but deadly with knives and arrows, Sir Nathan next to Kradel is the best in the sword is on its way to Kizouton and after a whole day of traveling they reach Dorbush forest, the forest of fairies where pixies, brownies, kobolds and dryad, and Devas are present. Let's camp here said Kradel, I will look for food Athadel answer, 'll come with you said Lady Chinoa. After eating the group decided to rest, Kradel climb up in one of the trees for he loves to sleep on treetops. You rest now ill take d first watch says Gunnar. Suddenly a loud cry is heard all over, Kradel jump down and all of them stand up, 'Banshee!! says Athadel "the cry of death" exclaims Gunnar. No one dies unless I will be killed says Kradel while he reaches on Lady Chinoa to guide her to come near him. Then the trees began to move 'Dryad!!! shouts Sir Nathan, Kradel draw his two swords and a shout is heard it a fairy Dryad of a tree " you possess the amazon sword are you the Knight of the west? says the Dryad. "Yes, I am" Kradel answered. Why are you here? again the Dryad ask, "we are on our way to Kizouton and we just stop by to take a rest. The dryad flicks her hands and all the tress goes back to normal. Follow me says the dryad to Kradel, then they reach the swamp-like, and she whistles and the water move and a nymph appear " this is Usha bring her with you she cannot fight but she knows how to heal. I can see that you have a good heart take care of her. Usha is a wood and water nymph and so delicate and beautiful with black long hair.

© alexander