

Straight line to Cirle
What will come to your mind when seeing a straight line?
May be you'll remember your ruler or scale, right?
I too thought of the same thing when I was young.
But now as an adult, When I look at the straight line, I'm remembering that it has an infinite radius and in some point it will be connecting as a circle. I can't see that but I can feel that.
I don't know whether I'm overthinking or it is normal to think so. May be my perspective changed. May be I'm thinking broader.
Don't blindly believe what you see, try to connect the dots, imagine more.
Afterall, everything is connected.
Sometimes we don't know what life is teaching us. But definitely there will be a reason for whatever happens in life. Sometimes you don't get the answer, sometimes you will get the answer, sometimes you get stronger. Whatever it may be go on live your life to the fullest.
© RosaJebi