

Lianne was walking home. Her heart throbbed and ached because of the pain the visions had brought her. And the man. How did he see this much about her life? Unless he meant to...
It was dark on the streets, so her tears weren't visible. But it was dark on the streets. Othet I'll intentioned people weren't visible either. She held her hands in fists in her pockets, ready to defend at the slightest flicker of danger.
"Excuse me.... are you okay? " A voice peered out of the darkness. Lianne whipped around, scanning her surroundings for the source. Her eye locked onto a movement. From behind a flickering streetlight, a stranger peeped out, gazing at her. It was a boy, probably her age. He was tall, with fair tanned skin, a mess of dark brown hair, and icy blue eyes. Lianne looked at him for a little longer. There were tears in his eyes too.
"Uh... I'm..um... fine. " Lianne stuttered. She scolded herself inside. She didn't know why she felt so nervous, or why her face now felt warm.
"You don't sound too sure." He said.
Lianne was tired. She didn't know what she was feeling. For so long, all she wanted was someone to care about her. And she wasn't about to lose her chance now.
"I'm not. I just.... I found out everyone has been lying to me." she said, tears reforming in her eyes as she sat down on the sidewalk.
"Well, good thing. You don't want to find out later." he said, sitting down too, but leaving distance between them.
"It won't hurt any less." she said.
"But it might have hurt more in the future. Good job. You saved yourself from that." he said, softly.
"What do I do now? I can't tell them. I found out by.... Well they can't know how. " she said while discreetly wiping a tear.
"Just leave. Leave all of them. You have all the right to do that. And they have no right to ask why. They lost their chance, don't give it back to them. They'll lose it again." he advised
Lianne stood up. Whatever he had said made sense, and it cooled the fire inside her. She tucked a lose strand of brown soft hair behind her ear and wiped away her tears. "Thank you." she said.
The boy handed her a paper. "Anytime" he said, tossing her a smile which she caught and held close to her heart. As Lianne walked away, she couldn't help but smile, and she didn't even know why.
When she got home, she saw her mother passed out on the sofa. She might have worried, if it hadn't been so common. She scoffed at the glass bottle in her hand and went upstairs to her room. She pulled out her phone and saw the messages.
"Naya: Heyy girl how r u??? "
Lianne opened the chat. She couldn't believe the girl she had been talking to for 6 years would betray her like that. She felt like answering, it was a habit now. But the boy's words rung in her head. She pressed t he three dots on the side, and hit delete. She felt free.