

First Date
There are nights like this when I wish it wouldn't end. There are moments like this when I wish I could freeze the time and hold it in my palms forever. It is now 1:42 AM but none of us wants to go home; scared that this might never happen again; afraid that tonight might be just another recipe for a broken heart. We could stay longer, walk some more, stop by the 3rd fast-food, and even wait for sunrise, but I have to say no. I have to let this night end because I'm pretty sure this won't be the last. I can see the lights ahead of us and I know they can wait for another night to explore and make more memories with.

We say our good nights and damn, it feels good to hear it without a voice inside my head telling me it's another unsaid good bye.
–Myka M. Obinque

Photo: @a_l_x_2.0 (IG)