

Why Quran was revealed in Arabic?
Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim!

‏Allah is All-wise, ‏there must've been a reason for sending down Quran in arbic. ‏The possibility of a hidden wisdom is always there in His decisions.

‏the second verse of Surah Yusof where Allah says:

" ‏Indeed We have sent it down as an Arabic Qur'an so that you may apply reason"

‏ ‎There are ‎some reason:

‏1.The holy Quran revealed in Arabia
and it had to be revealed in the language of the land. ‏when the revelation come to the land. ‏it should
be language of the land. ‏there is no doubted that Quran ‏is guidance not just to the Arabs but to all of humanity. ‎but The first step of teaching the path of Islam to the whole world...