

Letter to myself:
Letter to myself
You are turning 16 in 5 days.You are maturing into an adult , and soon a beautiful woman ,an affectionate mom and an intensive lover.You will grow .You will keep on growing until you reach a whopping 90s,or 60s or 70s .When your corpse shrivels up like a prune ,your skin hangs like wobbly drapes,your teeth falls off ,you walk around with the assistance of a cane .You weave and crochet bowties for your grand children and swallow and chew repulsive pale yellow soup broths with swarming and indigestible chunks
.Remember you will grow ,that you will come to witness and experience the youth's calamity ,a mother's unconditional love and the hustles,the dying agony of a grandmother .Just never give up !Never let anyone bash you or lash out at you or use you and the thrown you away like a discarded cigarette.Stand up for yourself ,pursue this endeavor of yours ,lure yourself to this concealed treasure,this sumptuous gift of poetry of self healing and of self love.Never stop writing ,never stop scribbling down your feelings,your hidden guilt ,your catastrophic thoughts.Abandon the misery ,the crap ,the vulnerability,the sickening grief this rotten world has to offer .They will soon pass away like a wave washing a rock .It will come over you ,choke you and drown you .It will corrode and weather the rock but it will soon pass.As the tide sways and dwindles away ,you will come to notice a stronger ,much stealthier rock ;shiny and lustrous ,perlite like a marble.
Never give up !
You are much stronger than you think you are .