

Be careful not to lose
Write a story based on the phrase "You will realize a person's worth when they are gone."

The value of some relationships can only be understood when it is broken, and if you want to understand the value of some people who are always there, you have to lose them. Some will get back what they have lost. So what will they do with those who don't get it, write it down in the book of losses, right?
Nima was a girl who enjoyed life a lot and had a lot of dreams and expectations. But her parents' divorce and her life situation changed her a lot. Slowly, she became silent to others, did not pay attention to her studies, and even the shadow of the old Nima disappeared from her.But her parents, who were busy, could not see her change. She felt that life was boring .
Days passed. Nima is more reserved. Now she is studying in college, where she has no friends and is not happy. Go to college, study and come back, that's all. She hates life more and more.It is then that Aman comes in as a friend in her life. But initially she didn't like that friendship but the positivity in Aman brings her closer to him. So they became close friends. Her life was an open book for him, and Aman was a good friend to her.She was no longer afraid that Aman would leave her. She began to hope for a better life again, her dreams began to blossom, and she became an old Nima. She became everyone's favorite and came to the forefront of her studies. Everything turned out to be as happy as it used to be.
Time kept moving forward again. Among the changes that came her way, another one joined in. Slowly Aman became a liability to her in the midst of new friendships. Their friendship began to bore her.But deliberately she forgot everything, forgetting the joys she had because of him, the world she saw through him, and her friendship that he never felt like ignoring. She began her efforts to get rid of him.
Aman was also able to understand it because God gave man the ability to quickly understand it if he was ignored by his loved ones. Aman decided not to become a problem in her life, not to become a nuisance.Just as he had come, he went back from her life. Aman had the sadness of losing a good friendship.
The days passed again and the life without him did not give her any difficulties. But not once did she remember the difficulties she was going to have when the joy of the one who gave her happiness was erased.Problems began to come into her life again. But none of those who thought she was sincere friends helped her. It was a time of realization for her, and she realized that it was a fate that had been waited for time to understand the value of what she had lost. She realized that she had lost her friendship with Aman so much that she could not get it back.
Years later she saw Aman. He was very happy but she returned to the old Nima again. She wanted to be friends with him again. But he replied as follows "If some of our favourite objects fall down and break, we sometimes cry and try to put them together, but no matter how hard we try, it won't be the same as before. Similarly, I have lost faith in our friendship, no matter how much it is added, it will not be beautiful. If you need a help, you can ask me I'll help you if I can, and beyond that i don't want anything between us.She understood the value of losing.
If you're not sure you'll get it back, then why lose it. Be careful not to lose.
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