

Not Again
Here we go again putting my name on your bullshit and calling it love or friendship.
I went from nothing to being a trusted law-abiding. I started from scratch .I went from zero worth to a valueable responsible and respected take care business kind of personaL glory to God who blessed me to be a new creation. A new and righteous thinking person. always looking to do the right thing from the jump.
I have build a credit history that allows me to do go and have anything within reason.
All this i have done while showing you what can be done when you trust God.
I told you about using my name to get what you want good or bad. I showed you how it's done .
Here we are again you wanting my help for your gain for your reputation.
Show them that you're all that and you got the game all fuck up.
You also started from scratch. got two jobs hot your own apartment got a new ride making good money showing the world. I got it going on.
I anit mad at you .I dont care that that I didn't get the one thing from you I most desired.
Your love instead can I do the many things I can do for you .
Yes I can and yes I did .
I told you you are a user of me .I dont know about anyone else.
I am the one you called when you need something other then myself.
You want i have accomplished.
You want. you want but it's not me personally..
Well it stop today No I will not be apart of your scheme of things that can't end well .If you never speak to me again I will be alright.
Love you and always will.
Not again will I use my name so you can have fun without me .