

Me, Myself and I
Being let down by people from a very young age is what causes a person to stop trusting again.
I stopped trusting the world along time ago.
The world is a horrible place and its us that make it this way, not everyone of course but people with bad intentions, we are killing each other mentally nevermined physically.
You've got liars... Cheaters... Manipulators... And loads of other people who get joy out of other peoples sadness.
I've dealt and had most of them people in my life and even though I'm still young I'm done with letting people treat me like this.
No matter who it is...
Im done.
See nobody is really there for you, You can think they are just because they have a label in your life but it doesn't mean anything.
You've got to learn to survive alone and cut out all your weaknesses.
Your automatically born into this world with two people you HAVE TO trust you have no choice and not always you have them two people to trust and depend on. Everyone will let you down eventually and most of them people will twist it and make it look like you let them down.
I find it funny when people say she's "my best friend" "hes my best friend"
Because I don't have one and I don't want one.
Because my last "best friend" who Id known for 11-12 years changed,
She got a boyfriend. And we all know what happened next...
She became a horrible person, toxic even, and she chose him over me, the person who fixed her problems whilst I had my own to fix.
She would not put effort in to hang out or talk unless it was necessary for her. One morning I ignored her call because she hadn't spoke to me all weekend and had barely talked to me all week, nor we hanged out since 2 - 3 weeks ago unless I was organising, and when I got to school her boyfriend was being rude to me she blanked me and I was like Okay I can't be arsed with it no more. So I cut her off. Why am I going to put effort into a friendship when nothing is being put back? Im not.
And when She asked me and I told her why she went in a mood, because I told her how I felt and it was "wrong".
I learned that I was always an option to everyone even myself...
But now Im a priority.
Either love me or leave me your choice. Either way its my gain.
Never let someone tell you how to feel or act you have your own feelings and emotions for a reason. Let them out they speak more than what your words can.
I will litterally give someone a pair of scissors and say "cut the crap or cut me off" no inbetween I am not taking no bullshit from anyone anymore.
You want my Respect? EARN IT.
You want my Trust? EARN IT.
You want Me? EARN ME.
I lost myself trying to please everyone, now im losing everyone trying to find myself.
I didn't know my worth back then, but now I do, and Im never going back.
Just Me, Myself and I...

© Ezz